

Introspective Systems

This is the Ping module. This module works with the Pong module as an example of how multiple modules (Ping and Pong) communicate inside a system.

An example of this system can be found in ExampleSystems/PingPong.

When this system is run, the Ping module sends a Ping command to the Pong module.

When the Ping module receives the Pong command, the Ping module sends another Ping command to the Pong module.

Module Definition Parameters

Below, the Parameters that Ping expects are defined.

  • Par.Pong (required): The Pid of the Pong module.

Output Commands

All the command that HelloWorld can send to other modules.

Cmd: ‘Ping’

The Ping command is sent to the module referenced in this.Par.Pong, ideally the Pong module.

Command Object

  • object.Cmd: “Ping” (The command.)



Input Commands

The Input Commands are all the command that HelloWorld can receive.

Pong(com, fun)

When Pong is received, Ping sends a Ping command to the module referenced in this.Par.Pong.


(Pong does not expect any Parameters with a Pong command.)