
An xGraph module is a collection of entities that work together to perform a service or task. Each module includes:

  1. at least one entity (an Apex entity is required)
  2. the module structure, in a schema.json file
  3. a module.json file that describes the modules interface
  4. a file for user documentation and a README.html file for developer documentation

First we will explain how to use a module in an xGraph system. Next, we will look at the parts of a module in detail.

Using A Module

A module can be included in a system in the system’s structure, or generated later using the genModule function. Module instances that are instantiated when the system is run are included in the Modules system, while modules that will be included later using genModule can be pre-built by adding it to the the system’s structure object under the Deferred section.

When the system is run, modules listed in the Modules section of the system’s structure object will be built and saved in a system’s cache, and then instantiated as a specific instances. This means that the modules is loaded into memory, assigned a Pid, and sent the Setup and Start commands as necessary.

A module’s definition is an object with three references: Module, Source, and Par. Module references the module to be loaded. Source references a path to a local source or module broker. Par references a JSON object containing persistent state parameters as key-value pairs that will be passed to the module and made available through this.Par in the context of a module function. Module parameters listed in the Par of the module in the config.json of a system over write parameters with the same key listed in the module structure document, schema.json. Here is an example of a module definition.

    Module: "xGraph.Popup",
    Source: "core",
    Par: {
        Left: "com.mouse.x",
        Top: "com.mouse.y",
        View: "xGraph.3DView",
        Width: 800,
        Height: 600

Here is the system structure object for the Plexus system in the MultipleSystemWithPlexus example. This system generates two modules on instantiation.

    "Sources": {
        "core": "{core}"
    "Modules": {
        "Plexus": {
            "Module": "xGraph.Plexus",
            "Source": "core",
            "Par": {}
        "Proxy": {
            "Module": "xGraph.Proxy",
            "Source": "core",
            "Par": {
                "Link": "$Plexus",
                "Role": "Server"

The modules listed in the Deferred section of the system’s structure object will be pre-loaded in the system’s cache, so that when they are later generated using genModule the module is already built. This reduced the amount of latency when generating a module, because modules that are not listed in the system’s structure object will have to be built before they can be generated and added to a system.

Modules that are not included in the Deferred section of the system’s structure object will have to be built before they can be generated, and the system must be run with the –allow-add-module flag to allow the system to generate an unknown module.

Deferred modules are listed with their Module namespace and a path to their local or module broker Source, as seen in the system structure object for a Validate module system.

    "Sources": {
        "core": "{core}"
    "Modules": {
        "Server": {
            "Module": "xGraph.Validate",
            "Source": "core",
            "Par": {
                "TestModule": "xGraph.SQLite",
                "TestJson": "@file: ../../Core/Modules/xGraph/SQLite/test.json"
        "Deferred": [
                "Module": "xGraph.SQLite",
                "Source": "core"

The parameter object, Par, will be built and included in the module definition object sent to the genModule function. Here you can see the Validate module generating the module that is being tested using the information passed through Validate’s Par.

    //build the module instance from test.json required state
    let instance = {};
    instance.Module = that.Par.TestModule;
    instance.Par = that.Vlt.Test.State;
    //instantiate the module
    //this calls setup and start in the instance if necissary
    log.v("Calling genMod on ", JSON.stringify(inst, null, 2));
    that.genModule(instance, callback);

    function callback(err, instApex) {
        that.Vlt.InstModule = instApex;
        that.Vlt.Test = setPid(that.Vlt.Test);
        log.v("Test Json is :", JSON.stringify(that.Vlt.Test, null, 2));
        if (typeof document != "undefined") {

            instance.Module = "xGraph.RootView";
            instance.Par = {
                 Layout: instApex
            that.genModule(inst, (err, instApex) => {
        } else {

Apex Entity

The module’s apex is the entity that will handle messages that originated from an external module. This entity is identified as the apex in the module’s structure document (schema.json).

Other Entities

An entity is the lowest fractal layer in an xGraph system. All entities must be encapsulated in a module to be run in a system. Inside of a module, each entity is contained in a single JavaScript file.

Each entity must be defined in the module’s structure, in the schema.json file. This tells xGraph how the entities within a module can communicate with each other. Entities are discussed in greater detail in the Entity Guide. Next, we will look at the module’s structure and the schema.json file.

Module Structure (schema.json)

The module’s structure, defined by an object in the schema.json file, describes the internal architecture of a module. In the schema.json file, apex entity is defined first, followed by any other entities in the module.

Each entity is declared with a reference key in the module’s structure object. Then, other entities can reference an entity as a parameter by prefixing the key with a hashtag. All entities will have a reference to the Apex entity. A simple example where the apex entity references the "OtherEntity" is found below.

	"Apex": {
		"$Setup": "Setup",
		"$Start": "Start",
		"Entity": "HelloWorld.js",
		"Friend": "#OtherEntity"
	"OtherEntity": {
		"$Start": "Start",
		"Entity": "HelloWorld2.js"

Module Interface (module.json)

The "module.json" file determines the module’s interface. This object has several keys. The first set of keys reference information about the module’s identity. The next set keys reference the input and output commands that the module can send and receive.

The first part of the object includes the following keys.

  • "name", the module’s name.
  • "version", the module’s version number, which may include decimals.
  • "doc", the .md file that has the module’s user documentation (see module documentation guide for details on documenting your module).
  • "info", an object that can hold additional information as key-value pairs, including the modules "author". Any useful information can be included here.

The next key, "input", holds information about the input commands the module can receive. This key holds an object with two references, "required" and "opts". Both keys reference arrays of objects that represent commands the module can receive. Commands listed under "required" are required for the module to work properly, while commands listed under "optional" are optional.

Each input command object has three keys; "Cmd" references the command name, and "required" and "opts" reference objects that hold arguments that will be passed with the command. Arguments referenced in "required" must be provided, and arguments referenced in "opts" are optional.

The next key, "output", holds information about the output commands the module can send. This key holds an object with two references, "required" and "optional". Both keys reference arrays of objects that represent commands the module can send. Commands listed under "required" are required for the module to work properly, while commands listed under "optional" are optional.

Each output command object has four keys; "Cmd" references the command name, “par” is only used by an xGraph system and references the Pid of a module, and "required" and "optional" reference objects that hold arguments that will be passed with the command. Arguments referenced in "required" must be provided, and arguments referenced in "optional" are optional.

Below is an example of a simple module.json file.

  "name": "Ping",
  "version": "1.0",
  "doc": "",
  "info": {
    "author": "Introspective Systems"
  "input": {
        "Cmd": "",
        "required": {
        "optional": {
        "Cmd": "Pong",
        "required": {
        "optional": {
        "Cmd": "",
        "required": {
        "optional": {
        "Cmd": "Ping",
        "required": {
        "optional": {
  "par": {
    "required": {},
    "optional": {}

Documentation ( and README.html)

Each module must include both user and developer documentation. A brief description of these files is found below. For more information about module documentation, see the Module Documentation Requirements.

The file holds user documentation. This is where things like examples and tutorials can be added.

The README.html file is mainly used for developer documentation. This file should include information for each entity in a module, and can be generated using doxdox document generator.